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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Interview With L.A Duo Substance Abuse

L.A duo Substance Abuse is a Los Angeles based hip-hop group consisting of the duo Subz (Justin Hollingsworth) and Eso Tre (John Heath).The group dropped their debut single "What The F**K You Rhymin' For?" in 2000 on the now defunct Ground Control Records, which was followed by the single "Can't Call It"/"No Guarantees" featuring P.E.A.C.E.

Here is an interview with the hip-pop duo "Substance Abuse"

We met in elementary school, the 5th grade to be specific, but we weren't really friends until 6th grade. Subz and a bunch of our friends were good skaters. I was pretty mediocre at skating, but as we got older tagging became the thing. I also was somewhat of an outlier in that world, as many of my friends were taggers, and I didn't really see that as my identity either. So it became all about rhyming for me, and I learned a lot about the craft from Subz, who was pretty much good at everything, whether it was skating, graffiti, or rapping.

How have you guys been promoting your selves up until now

Social media is really the only way these days, unless you want slang cd's on Venice Beach or something. I used to annoy the shit out of people on myspace with the friend adder. I also have no qualms about posting links on people's facebook pages or putting people on email lists. If you want to promote yourself you can't be shy about hitting folks up. Yeah, everyone's tired of being harassed by these soundcloud rappers but they are also refreshed when they hear something good.

 What kind of music do you guys play?

Whether it's Charlie Parker, Alice in Chains, Steve Winwood, Fear, Pacman Da Gunman, Billy Harper, Son House, we're all about the eclecticism. It's what gives our music it's edge. People can sometimes get caught up in their hip hop bubble, and they forget about musicality and making great songs. There has to be a melody and a groove, it can't just be people rapping over beats.

What is your driving force in music

It's a spiritual mission for us. We have an idea of what hip hop is supposed to sound like. And while we don't believe that it's the only way to view hip hop, we feel that we are uniquely suited to bring that boom bap sound into the modern era and beyond. We want to make songs that excite people and give them some fresh air. A lot of songs now are just a chorus and a beat, and the lyrics are just filler. We place a high premium on lyricism and reaching people who yearn for more than the repetitive, humdrum shit that's out there. Whether the music industry catches on or not is inconsequential.

How many tracks and album have you guys released so far

One tape, two albums, one EP, and a maxi single for the song "Bridges." But nothing is going to compare to the song with Bonnie Raitt we're about to drop! Just kidding.

Does your songs carry a message that you want to pass to the world if yes, what kind of message are what kind of message are trying to pass

I think "Bridges" sums up the message we're trying to send nowadays, which is about inclusivity and not buying into this divide and conquer mentality that the current administration has so steadfastly embraced. But in all of our music you'll find a message about the problems confronted by everyday people. A lot of music is about escapism, and people presenting a lifestyle that isn't accessible to most. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's also refreshing when someone says "hey, you're dealing with that everyday bullshit, well here's a tune for you." It makes people feel like they're not alone.

Noni NewAge

Every musical artist crave for fame and popularity, would you say you have gotten to that level?

People know us for sure, but it seems to be more of a niche fame. I always felt like it would take some sort of PR coup to get us beyond that, like Subz or myself being on a reality show. I'm sure when I star in a rom-com we will gain a whole new audience of listeners.

Have there been any endorsement deal so far?
Wing Nuts was hollering at me about doing a commercial, but I passed. Nah for real, no endorsement deals as of yet. But we'd love to do one for Lagunitas if they're reading this.

What is your fan base like

A loose coalition of jazzy, old school cats, urban dwellers jaded with the system, new rap heads that appreciate lyricism, and modern day beatniks that are fed up with this hello kitty shit on the radio.

In coming years where do you guys see yourself musically
Still being dope, maybe having a podcast where we wax poetic about the days of yore, still continuing to make music that makes people trip out. We still have artists that we want to collaborate with. We still have countries we want to do shows in, like the UK and Deútschland. ABBA turned down 1 billion to do 250 shows. We're hoping that some sugar daddy in the music industry gives us a similar offer..

Is music a full to career for you guys or you have other things doing
Subz is an architect and I'm a lawyer. So yeah we have careers, but hip hop is always number one to us. Our experiences in life, whether vocationally or otherwise, always feed into our creativity and need to make songs. Sometimes I feel like I'm Batman or some shit, leading a double life. But even in the legal world in which I dwell a lot of people know I'm a rapper and they don't shun me for it.

 What message do you have for upcoming musical artist and to your fans

Be humble. We've seen people come and go, and the ones who stay genuinely have true skill. Like I said, nowadays cats get gassed off of having a catchy hook and a beat and some leaked snapchat tape that has nothing to do with the music they're presenting. They may pull that off on one song, or maybe even two or three. But eventually if they're inept as rappers comes out.

Is there any link one can download your songs from, and are you guys working on any song if yes when are we expecting it to drop.

Bout to drop this new joint "Rabbit Hole" with our fam bam Eric Steuer. Produced by the great Waes One. Expect a dope vinyl single coming to soon. Also, I'm bout to drop this joint with my man Nebz Supreme called "Take it to the Bank" featuring Prince Po.

Here is a link to the Duo social pages and Youtube Channel:

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